Because There's No Place Like Home, LLC has an office in St. Croix Falls
We can be contacted by phone, email, or facebook. Please see the links below to get in contact with us!
Our mailing address is PO BOX 155, Star Prairie, WI 54026
St. Croix Falls, WI Location
- Address:1982 Highway 8 Suite B St. Croix Falls, WI 54024
- Telephone: 715-706-1112
- Open: Mon-Fri 10am - 3pm
- E-mail:
General Billing & Pricing Information
We accept private pay & insurances
Call for more details
Private Pay
Clients are billed by invoice on a 14 day cycle (via email/US mail)
Clients have 7 days after receipt of invoice to remit payment (Cash, Checks & Credit/Debit accepted)
If payment is not received, the deposit will be applied and services will commence at the end of the 14th day
Late payments will be assessed a $25 fee for each day late
After payment is 7 days late services will be terminated (see contract)
Financial Assistance Options
Because There’s No Place Like Home offers financial assistance options for those who have low income and/or no insurance. Please call us to discuss financial assistance options as each package varies by client’s needs.